Live for Today


Introducing Java

Our house is sometimes like a zoo. There are two cats and a dog. While that may not be a ton of animals, they can be a handful. This blip is of Java. Java has an attitude! One moment your best friend, then BAM she bites you and wants nothing to do with you. Sometimes she gets a look in her eyes that scares you and you know if you even make the slightest move around her, she will lunge at you. Luigi, our Italian Greyhound, LOVES to chase her and make her angry. This causes endless hissing, barking and a blur of animals running around your couch. When this blip was taken, she had the luxury of laying down for a few moments while Luigi was napping. Unfortunately, he heard me taking pictures and moments later had her chased out of the room.

The rest of the day was pretty busy. Had some friends over this afternoon, who we hadn't seen in years. We felt lazy this evening, so went for supper and spent the rest of the evening relaxing at home. Hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend!

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