my crazy world

By crazyworld

was it something I said?!

felt a bit better this morning so decided to invade Morrisons for our holiday shop.. was just going to nip in and get the rest there but my bill says otherwise!!

I seriously have no idea how Im going to fit all this stuff in my car tomorrow night... wish me good luck.. and thats just the food!!.. you seriously would think I am feeding the whole of the campsite!! hope Im not anyhow!!

while I was away I asked E to wash my pots as my dishwasher has broke.. okay it hasnt but Ive blocked it and cant unblock it... aarrgghhhh damn thing!

so I returned to find all the pots washed and wiped.. what is she after?!.. and "mum Im sorry ....... " couldnt see what she was pointing at til I saw...

nooooooooo!!!... .my mug!!... what makes it worse is that I broke another of my mum mugs a few weeks ago but never told them!!!!

oh well ... when Ive got over my Morrisons bill today I will treat myself to a new one!!.

wish me good luck in packing my car tomorrow... only going for 10 days ...looks like 10 months!!

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