An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

Confederate Veterans Old Main Post Office 2

Dedicated to the Confederat Veterans. What a southern thing to say. Coming from the north and living many years in California, the Civil War was an interesting time in history. That's it. I may have seen a monument to the north. But to be honest, if I did, it did not leave much of an impression on me. This was in 1932, and I would guess if someone tried to put up a plaque like this in a federal building today a loud hew and cry would insue.

I have decided to take a pictorial series of this building. As long as I am engaged, I will continue to grab images. One nice thing is that this building is next door to my condo. This drastically limits my exposure to the heat.

After church, I ran by Kroger to pick up some needed items. As soon as I got home and unpacked the groceries, I grabbed my camera and tripod. I got much better results than yesterday trying to hand hold it. The white balance is challenging. As one walks around the building, the lighting changes from sun pouring through a door to incadescent lights to fluorescent lights. Then in many places all three will be in parts of the frame.

As I was taking these imaages, I laid on the floor in order to look through the view finder. I heard the revolving door behind me begin to move. In walked a man followed by what I guess was his wife. He stopped dead in his tracks. After I reassured him that I was not dead, or dead drunk, or hurt in some way but was taking pictures, he relaxed some but kept his distance and made sure he was always between his wife and I.

Here is a look at what I considered my best ones today.

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