Mrok's photo of the day

By Mrok


Today one of our senseis was visiting Tornio, a small town about 130kms north from here. There is a pretty active kando club and I visited there for two times 2h practices as Mrs.Mrok had a free day and she volunteered to spend it totally with the kids.

The practices were swetty and pretty much concentrated to kihon (=basic practice) but had a penty of jigeiko (=free fight) also. Here my 6.dan sensei (left) is striking a do for me while I am going for the men strike. But that is ok as I'm only 4.dan he should be able to do that. most of the time. Oh yes and one of my friends took the shot with my camera ;)

My time is already ready for the 5.dan examination but have not participated to suitable event yet where it could be done. Perhaps someday. In the meanwhile I'm really enjoying this kind of good and intense practices and matches we had today..

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