
By schlimm

Salines de Bex

After my friend and family left I felt that I had done enough reading in the last couple of days and that a little walk was in order, just me, no-one else. I headed down to the river and from there it was only another ten minutes up to the saltmines. I hadn't taken any money so couldn't go and visit but they looked very promising, maybe later in the week or next year if we are allowed back here (to my friends' house that we looked after for the last three weeks).

Had to fight with brambles and wet, slippery ground in the forest - the rain during the night had been very heavy - but still very much enjoyed my promenade until I met the guy with three little yappy lapdogs. He was lovely and chatty, the dogs just ran a bit too close to my ankles but luckily left them alone.

Felt much better when back home and can now think about reading again. Another Martin Suter, this time Der Teufel von Mailand. Finished Ein perfekter Freund this morning.

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