keyser soze

By keysersoze

I am half machine...

Once upon a time at a bus shelter far far away.

This is a blip of my bionic ankle.... the x-ray takes pride of place on our refrigerator. It acts as a blissful reminder to Jules - not to leave me alone unoccupied at night in favor of a night out with her old work buddy's. Instead of being at a loose end I got together with a hombre and we pondered on down to the local tavern. All was well until we took the tourist route home and felt that the inanimate bus shelter was in-fact throwing down a gauntlet of huge proportions and suggesting that we weren't man enough to jump from its tattered framework.....It was like implying that Marty McFly was indeed "chicken".

I developed a great respect for the medical and joyous qualities of morphine that night. I now am the proud owner of a gimpy leg with a gnarly bad boy scar.

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