Wood cutting!

Up this morning and went out to Mum and Dad's house because Dad was going to take us wood cutting so we have some wood for our wood heater down here at Sandy Point! Dad drove his ute with a trailer on the back and the three of us followed him in our car and we drove to a mate of Dad's, farm, through his paddocks to where there were some fallen dead trees!

Dad cut the wood with the chainsaw, Kaz and I loaded it into the trailer and Spence sat on the ground watching some slater bugs crawl around a piece of wood!!

We came back, drove back to Sandy Point, unloaded the wood, loaded the trailer up with heaps of stuff we didn't need from down here (the broken TV, the broken DVD player, the old stereo, the broken washing machine, some pieces of vine we cut away and heaps of cardboard from all our purchases from Ikea!!) then took it back to Dad's house where he will burn what he can and get rid of the rest!

We have had tea, Spence has gone to bed, we have watched The Block, Kaz has recorded a podcast and she is now packing to go to Cairns tomorrow for work. She is there until Tuesday night and then has a meeting in Melbourne on Wednesday so is staying in town the night.

I took this as we were leaving Dad's mate's farm. It is part of his property that he has cleared to make it a paddock to grow grass for his cattle. I used the wide angle lens and didn't realise there were those sun rays in the shot until I had processed it in Photomatix as an hdr!

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