wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

Cascade Female Factory

I always used to think the Female Factory was a pretty funny name, always knew they didn't REALLY make females there, but always wondered. It was where the female convicts were sent. The women were sent out for household jobs, or employed within the gaol, and any babies born there were usually kept there. My primary school was just down the road, and I can attest to how cold and damp it is by the side of the Hobart Rivulet, especially in the middle of winter. Must have been a horrible, miserable place. Now all that's left are the outer walls of one division, but on a gloomy day like today the atmosphere is pretty oppressive still.

I headed this way after lunch at the Macquarie Foodstore with friends (vegetable stack, mmmmmmmmmmm, chocolate brownies, yum ym yum), and although I'd drunk too much tea and really needed to get to a ... convenience I snapped off what I could. This group of visitors was wandering through. I loved the girl's yellow coat, but just couldn't sneakily get a good angle, and am far too shy to ask. Wasn't entirely sure what I wanted with it anyway.

Could have left this one as it was, it wasn't bad, but in honour of my 200th blipday I thought it appropriate to celebrate my increasing confidence with just gimping about. There's something I'm not suite happy with, but I think an hour is plenty enough time to spend when I should be studying. :D Tried in both with subdued desaturated tones too, but this one just looked a wee bit better. I think. Heaps cooler large anyway.

Anyway, 200 hey? Thanks everyone who looks at these. I'm often surprised by just who does look, but I'm not offended by those who don't (not that you're going to read this). I've turned into a bit of a blip troll lately, sorry about that, but I am looking, just not very vocally.

And because it's the day for self-indulgence, here's a few of my favourite pics from the last 199 posts. Some I like more than anyone else apparently, but it's my journal, and I'm allowed to.

Just a little excited
And so I called 999...
I see you

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