Barbecued banana anyone?
Spent an absolutely lovely evening at a bbq to celebrate the first birthday of my friends' twins, good company, lovely food, very international too, which was fun. Vika had her usual sport of letting me chat to some of her Russian friends that don't know me for a while before telling them my name, which confuses them no end as my Russian is good enough that over a wee chat they don't immediately click that I'm foreign, until they hear my name is Jill, and they are very surprised! Vika finds it even more amusing than I do. For those who don't know, Jill is a very, very odd sounding girl's name to a Russian, as almost all girls names in Russia end in either the letter a or the letter ya (which is the back to front R and in Russian is the soft version of a), never in a consonant. The bbq was held in the most fantastic location, near Bardowie Loch to the north of Glasgow, in the garden of an old house which is flatted and is home to the babies' grandfather. Incredible place, and some very interesting neighbours, or so the local rumour mill says, and I'm saying no more! For anyone wondering about the weather, there were big tent things up to protect us! Lovely evening, capped by some random jazz clarinet at the bus stop!
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