This is my Blip Life

By Kathy

Royalty & Royal Tea................

We boarded one of Mr Bransons' fast trains at 7.30am, and arrived into London Euston a few minutes after 9am.
The purpose of our visit was to do the Buckingham Palace Tour, which we had been looking forward to for some time.
It was just superb, we had access to the State Rooms and an audio tour accompanied the route. This season, there are two extra special attractions on display, some of the Queens Faberge collection, and the Royal Wedding dress.
We were mesmerised by the whole experience, so much to take in and absorb, but unable to capture on camera.
It was thirsty work, so after our tour, we enjoyed afternoon tea on the terrace ..... and a big fat scone full of clotted cream and fresh strawberries !

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