Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


An exhausting day. Went to see my 89 year old mother but the M25 being closed due to yesterday's accident added quite a lot to my miles for the day; then taking Photographs for the Woking International Dance Festival. Finally got to sit down with TSM for a curry at 9pm.

All I can say is the dance was amazing - inspirational and beautiful, and this is just one of the many pictures I took.

Tomorrow I sleep in. And take it easy.

POSTSCRIPT (nearly 12 hours later when refreshed!)

Should have just said - I do a lot of theatre / performance photography. This was taken with a hand held camera at a distance of about 30 feet using a pretty high ISO and stage lighting only (you can't use flash as it is obviously too distracting for performers, even in a dress rehearsal). The lens was actually a 105mm prime sigma - a macro in fact but I find it works really well for portraits and because it stops down to f2.8 it is pretty good in low light. I had ambitions to use my tripod on a dolly (set of wheels) but the stage crew nicked it to do HD video with my other camera which I normally use for taking photos with an f1.8 35mm lens on it. Such is life. Once you get involved with thespians and performers you never know what will happen ...

Of course, I love it. Darlings.

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