hello again

By admirer


Did you see the ship that stranded on the sandbank at Ter Heide yesterday, persons with a dog asked us. We were at the beach of Monster yesterday, yes, but no, we did not see anything like that at all. Had we heard of the dog that was lost and had apparently swam around the Zandmotor and was found three days later in Monster? No, we certainly had not heard of it.
But what we saw with our own eyes was a big animal lying at the other side of the bay apparently wounded. Piet Hein first thought it was a little shark, but then it was said to be a dolphin.
Two cars of the Zandmotor appeared and the persons that descended obviously
did not know what to do about it. Later two police-cars came there too.
We could follow through the binoculars everything what was going on.
Careful they put the animal in the water and observed.
Next moment there was a seal swimming not far from the beach, once in a while its head above the surface. Thrilled we stood and watched, never seen one here.
After swimming in the rather cold sea we biked to our home.
The blip is a photo of the thistles in the dunes. I took it to picnic and how I do not know but it suddenly was changed in this shape and colour and I loved it.

The haiku:

Bay in silver shining
I hear the fish swim beneath
Go swift for the seal

Perhaps you notice that I have 5 syllables in the first, 7 in the second and then 5 again
In the third line. I try now to follow the rule for the japanese haiku is like that, but one cannot compare It with the English, because of the Japanese use nouns only most of the time.

The proverb is from Cowper:

Detested sport,
That owes its pleasure to another?s pain.

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