In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Gay bar

Simple title because that is what it is. There has been a bar in this location in Hadden St. for a long, long time. The whole area used to be a bit rough, with fights and such a regular occurrence. It has had a revamp recently and renamed the Merchant Quarter. It is one of the oldest parts of the city, and used to have monasteries and palaces situated there in the middle ages.
It also had a secret prison for young teens, who were kidnapped and sold into slavery in America.
It wasn't just Africans that were slaves. There is a great book about one such local lad, called Indian Peter who was kidnapped, freed, captured by Indians, released and ended up successfully Sui-ing the council for allowing this to happen
Tomorrow is a local gay pride festival, and I am hoping to get a good blip of a bit of it.
So Cheers might feature again.

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