As seen by me...

By GrantR

New camera's first blip!

Busy day today. Up early, down to Jessops where I picked up my new D7000, spare EL-EN15 battery and new Lowepro camera bag that's big enough to live in. Back home, batteries charged, bags swapped over, battery grip fitted to the D7000, lenses tested, all seem ok so far!

Had 2 meetings in town this afternoon but managed an hour up the Mile. Too busy so didn't hang about long. D7000 VERY impressive. Taken me ages to finally take the plunge but so glad I finally got this over the D300s. It's a joy to use. Bit of a beast with the battery grip fitted, still smaller than the D3 but not by a huge amount.

Wasn't that happy with what I got in the mile so headed out for sunset to try and benchmark it against the D90 and it's a serious step up. Combined with the Hitech 150 filters it's a whole new world.

Wont be out with it tomorrow, off to Murrayfield for Scotland v Ireland and will probably be pissed as a fart after!

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