The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Yes, Ma Lud

The mallards on the Kent are all in eclipse plumage now, and telling the difference between the males and females is not so easy. There are often a couple of ducks feeding on the weir, they work their way up through the rushing water feeding - but on what? Maybe they are after algae growing on the floor of the weir, maybe filtering out food from the water. Anyway this one had just reached the top and obviously felt the need for a good quack - like a climber celebrating a successful climb.

Elsewhere I noticed that the willow warblers are having a post-breeding flourish, and there were a lot singing this morning at Foulshaw together with a grasshopper warbler reeling. An odd wader flew over my head with an unfamiliar call, perhaps a green sandpiper. I need to check out its call.

The comments are still off, I'm afraid. I'm still feeling very tired, and have struggled through another day and week at work. It would be an early night tonight, but we have visitors overnighting on their way to Scotland, and they will be late getting here.

Thanks for bearing with me.

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