Lathyrus Odoratus

By lathyrus

Hebridean Sussex

No I've not moved to the Hebrides, much as I might like to. In my spare time I help with the management and restoration of a lowland heath which is a very scarce habitat, especially in the south of England. As part of that management a flock of Hebridean sheep are used to graze the common and help reduce invasive plants such as birch, gorse and bracken. At the moment the sheep are behind an electric fence which has to be moved around from time to time. Now, after many years of campaigning and a public inquiry, permission has been granted to install permanent fencing around the commons. The cattle grids should go in during October and the fencing will be completed by the end of March so that widespread low intensity grazing by sheep, cattle and ponies can start in the spring. I hope to photograph the effect over time.

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