Summer days away - vol 4

8:30am and there was a hole in the sky.

Actually, it was a hole in the clouds where the sun is breaking through.

It's the inevitable day of going home. Mixed emotions as we've had a great few days, but it's also nice to go home too.

This morning the weeWeir and I went out on a (hired) bike ride from Boat of Garten to the RSPB Osprey centre where we saw a few birds, walked through the trees, saw a baby frog on the path, got wet and muddy taking a more *off-road* trail than I'd expected and generally had a lot of fun.

We headed home after lunch and as often happens on the A9, the journey wasn't as plain-sailing as coming in the opposite direction. Funny how that happens.

Home and the moment of *wow, we get to live here* strikes. Always grateful for the welcome of home.

Anyway, a regenerating few days and here's to a good one tomorrow.

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