Me, myself & I

By AlisonMM

Choc chip muffins

I made a batch of choc chip muffins tonight. Not my best effort - I think I added too much cocoa powder.

At Guide camp every year we have a Secret Friend. It operates a bit like Secret Santa. You pick a name out of a hat and during the week you make a small gift for your Secret Friend.

A little difficult for me this year as I'm only at camp at the weekends. I picked Hannah one of our Young Leaders. Last year the system broke down and poor Hannah didn't get anything. She probably thinks the same thing has happened this year!

Hannah is doing A-level textiles so she's a bit handy with a needle and thread. And I'm not. It would be safe to say I have two left hands! So I thought to myself "what am I good at?". Well, I'm a half way decent cook. In fact my usual role at camp is caterer. Soooo, I made Hannah some choc chip muffins.

Hopefully tomorrow's blip will be a piccie of Hannah looking absolutely delighted with her prezzie!

The OM had a look at my computer and deduced that it's one of the leads that's faulty. You know, the one with the AC adapter. I'm on to Amazon to order a new one. I don't have a former BT engineer for a boyfriend for nothing!

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