Pheenyx's View

By PheenyxFyre


I have been using, reading, etc runes for many years now, always with manufactured store bought sets. I have always wanted to make my own set that is all me, my energies into it, my labor into it. These types (self made) are really the best. It's not unlike buying a custom motorcycle vs. building your own, ya the bought one is nice, and custom, but there is not the feel nor the thrill in the ride from knowing your 2 hands made it. I never could find the right material to use until recently when I acquired a nice piece of red cedar. I have made a couple staffs from it, and a cane for myself. Now from the same tee I am making my runes, a matched set if you will. As you can see I am using only the heart wood. Oh that beautiful rose colored wood, its depth and grain is mesmerizing. I am not usually a fan of red, but this just speaks to me, as a good set of runes should. They will be sanded, and sealed with a finish that I have also made myself. I have enough pieces to make 2 sets (25 in each set). I may sell the other as part of my craft, or I may keep it, for one of my children. When done, they will last, and be love for a life time of service.
The piece in the top left is finished, save for the carving. I might have to save the scraps to burn as an inscense, I do so love the smell of cedar.

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