Canvas window
How these days seem to stretch out like canvas before us.
Little Agu behaved perfectly while I visited the osteopath, reaching joints I knew I had, but had forgotten was capable of relaxing their adjoining muscles. We went to see the Durer exhibition in La Caixa, which was a marvel, as well as the very moving photographs and film of Cambodia on the top floor. We called in to see the familiar Camarassa exhibits of course. We took our now familiar back alleys, but we still find things to amuse. This window, in a very habitable block, was so out of place in some ways, though it seems the style here is to incorporate the harshness of the street back into the flash appartments.
The other stuff
We had a great pizza in a little back alley restaurant and then raced back home for a siesta. We were so done in, but managed to get it back together after an hour to get to the beach and take in the seaside town atmosphere, collect stones, discuss the fishing going on off the pier with all the other little boys, swim and then phone Ben, (who is well and delighting in camping stoves by the way) before we crached and burned. Night night!
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