
By grounded

Please grow...

Today I had a little fun with iPhoto. And I thought I'd show the result!

Hubby was up this morning and left at 0530 to drive part of the youth mission team from the church to Gatwick. They are off to Kolkata to help out with the Good News Children's Education Mission. I was there a couple of years ago and I know that both our youth and theirs will be impacted by the visit. I am tweeting for the team so people can follow. If you can spare the time to follow and pray for the team they can be found on twitter @NBC_India

Hubby arrived home and we had a leisurely morning popping out to the garden centre to get some grass seed. It chucked it down with rain today and more is forecast so we thought it would be good to try and get the patches growing on the grass. We had a stack of thatch and moss taken out during the winter and although the grass has recovered someway, there are still bare patches. Tonight's blip is of one of the patches, the white bits are the seeds. I played with effects and tints to get the result!

After a spot of lunch, we had a mooch about in town and dropped off 4 bags of stuff at the charity shop and I spent my winnings from golf on a new blouse and socks from M&S.

Then it was time for me to cook a curry. Chicken masala and bombay potato! Yum!

Had a quick hair cut at 7pm as my hair was bugging me... it grows so quick!

Now just relaxing and getting some washing on before bedtime!

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