Snapshooter's Diary

By jesalonen

Snapshooter's guide to better pictures, #1

Don't take it seriously - I have no idea about how to take better photographs. It should have been "A complete idiot's guide... but that title was already taken.

Although I have titled this blipblog "A Diary", it's only purpose was not only to share what I have done an what equipment I have bought, but to educate myself in the art of photography.

If I have learned one thing, it is that a good picture should have some dynamic in it. There has to be something that people who speak better English than me call "juxtaposition".

My favourite juxtaposition seems to be a scene where alive and lifeless meet, or the encounter of the organic and artificial. Like this one.

I have passed this scene some hundred times, but only today really saw it.

This is what I really love in this whole blippin' thing: it forces me to look around for pictures, instead of just waiting that something comes up.

In the end, it may well be the way towards better pictures.

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