Wet, Wet, Wet.

And it so conspired that whomsoever amongst you who travelled to this fair city to enjoy the International Festival and Fringe would get wet today- very wet; and yay those of you from far flung Nordic places might have supposed that a sauna had been organised from on high as a welcome, so humid and warm was it.

But the show must go on and the crowds were out in all manner of gear, with umbrellas forming a forest of colour along the highways and byways.

The once old magnificent George Square with its central gardens which was bastardised in the late 50's by the University when they erected hideous high rise buildings on one whole side, has seen further degradation this month with the arrival of the Fringe Assembly location, ousted from its usual home in the Assembly Rooms in the City Centre.
Part of the gardens is a mass of hideous plastic blow up spaces and outside the square is surrounded by stalls selling ice creams, crepes, waffles, Aberdeen Angus sandwiches and booze.

How easy to make a fine Georgian Square into a variation of a theme park.
The consolation is that it will only be for 3-4 weeks and then things will return to the cloistered peace of academia.

This evening I have invited an American couple in a flat above to share with us a crisp and an olive together with a glass of wine.
He works for Scottish Water, so I think it's very appropriate that they should be with us on a day which features so much of the stuff.

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