A strath view

A lazy house again this morning, I was up with the dog and read for a while, then I made breakfast for the family as they all arose.

Low cloud outside so Eco son and I headed out to the lighthouse for a walk, the mist was down to the top of the lighthouse and it was lifting. Juno , eco son and myself went along the rocks as close to the water as possible, it was great fun and Juno certainly showed some climbing skills.

I then took the family to the Black Isle show, dropped off and I headed west to a strath to climb a 2,000 footer with Juno. A hot walk up the hill and I met a young gamekeeper on the hill, he was up at 450 metres on the stalkers path to get a mobile phone signal as no signal in the the glen. Good chat and then I headed to the trig point summit. Great views with cloud on the higher hills.

Juno and set off and met up with the family at the showl, just in time for so stunt horse riding.

A very misty drive home up the A9.

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