(not so) Big Maddy
We met up with Maddy's namesake today who I have known for at least 27 years. For the last fourteen years we've referred them to big Maddy and wee Maddy. Not too long before we have to switch the names round unless our Maddy stops growing. I'd promised Maddy some photography tutorials. She'd even, completely unexpectedly, paid me in advance by buying me a vintage tweed jacket.
We decided to do the first session today and agreed to meet at Bangour for three reasons, firstly, it's about half way between our houses, secondly it meant a good chance to give Maddy's dog Dizzy a walk and thirdly Maddy worked as a doctor there in the 80s.
It was good to get a wander round and get some shots while going through things like aperture, shutter speed, ISO, reciprocity and Sunny 16. I think the next session will either be portraiture or a Photoshop session.
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