Like fingerprints

By FrederiqueE12

Weeds - Modern sculpture

This being my last week working on Île-des-Soeurs, I am trying to photograph things specific to the island. This modern sculpture certainly is, though I have yet to meet a resident who understands or likes it. Called "Milieu Humide" or Wet Land, it is made of tall fluo green plastic reeds which reflect light and emit a fog or a mist apparently to react to the weather (or rather randomly if you ask me or maybe early in the morning and at dawn). The sculpture was installed in 2009 to great controversy since it apparently cost way over $400000. It was created by a consortium called Atelier In Situ et VLAN paysages. At the time it was purchased and installed, drivers reacted furiously since it is located at a turnaround and caused a few accidents. There were petitions to remove it, but eventually they died out and the sculpture is still there, all neon green against blue skies or dark gray clouds.

Though I love modern art, I cannot say that I enjoy this piece from an aesthetic or emotional point of view. But I have grown strangely fond of it for its playful quality. (I will merely mention that the first time I saw the smoke coming out of the top of a couple of tubes, I nearly called the firemen. I had no idea it was part of the sculpture and being on a very hot day, I thought the mechanism was smouldering. Sillee me.)

I have to confess I love the real weedgrass which purposely grows in the center.

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