Synchronised munching
Another busy day, I was going to list all the things I've done but I think I'll spare you the details as you may fall asleep! The most exciting thing was going for a bike ride with two of the boys. We went up to the school to play tennis only to get there to find they'd already taken the nets down!!! I managed to cycle most of the way though and I could still walk when I got home (may not be able to tomorrow though!).
I took a few photos in the garden but I'm really disappointed with all of them to be honest. The light was good but they're not as sharp as I would have liked. So you get this - the best of a bad bunch. I like the way that the caterpillars stick one end in the air while feeding at the other end. It's clever because the sticking up end looks like their head to ward off any predators. I found a little frog in the garden - well I kicked him over actually - but after putting him the right way up and lifting him up onto the soil he hopped away before I could blip him!
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