My Year in Pictures

By jenny


Fab day today.

Great meeting this morning with a very lovely lady who is in the process of launching her own range of really high quality organic skincare. So we had lots of fun thinking of different product shot ideas for her website. Plus I can't wait to wash my face tonight as I'm going to use her absolutely divine smelling Neroli and Sweet Basil Cleansing Balm!

Then this afternoon I got Raining Light's first newsletter out.

Then early evening I had a lovely long walk with Bill and warmth and sunlight. Bliss.

The field were this and this were taken has recently had all the grass cut down and today it was all baled up.

I promise I didn't mean to include Bill in the shot (as you've now had dog blips on the trot for 5 days!) however he just popped into place and I rather liked how it looked!

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