
By trabroun

Have you ever seen a fireman's helmet?

Well now you have - in fact 7 of them - one for every day of the week!

They date back fron the 1800's up to 20th century. The equipment is on display at the Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service Headquarters in Edinburgh. The original fire station is now their HQ but also a museum, It gives the history of the first municipal fire brigade in Europe and fire fighting in Edinburgh between 1824 and the 1940s. Created through the display of fire engines, equipment and uniforms. This bit is actually in HQ where somedays I am lucky enough to go to work. Great place and great bunch of folk too.

Fact for the day -

Did you know that firemen used to be allowed to grow their beards as long as they wanted to? (unlike today)
Why? - because they used their beard to wrap around their noses and mouths to prevent them from breathing in smoke and fumes when they were rescueing people!!
Thanks goodness things have changed and man invented breathing apparatus!

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