Nat's Travels

By natstravels

Canal Rescue!

The sun was shining so I thought what would be nicer than a cycle along the Kennet and Avon Canal! I have recently purchased cleats and cycle shoes for my road bike, and am still getting acclimatised to them. Although so far, so good with the un/clipping, or so I thought!

So off I go, nice straight paths, lovely scenery and peace and quite, good opportunity to practice the un/clipping thing!

However I get to a bridge and it gets a bit narrow, no guard rail waterside as there are on some bridges. The other side of the bridge are a few steps so I try to unclip, just was not happening, and I start to fall. I tried to go to my left against the wall but had nothing to hold into so ended up falling right, straight into the canal, bike and all!!!

Luckily as I fell I became unclipped and found out the canal is only about 4ft 8 inches deep! Managed to keep hold of my bike and two good Samaritans ran over to me and came to my aid, fishing my bike then me out the canal. Another kind canal boater loaned me a towel to dry off with and although a bit cut and bruised I was none worse for wear except super embarrassed.

So it was a wet ride back to the car, not sure I will be doing that again anytime soon! Note to self, me, bike and water not a good combo!!!

Today?s Blip was before the incident, am sure me in the water would have been a great Blip, but my camera was in my backpack and got a dunking so I just hope it will recover for tomorrows Blip, will see!

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