Cindi's 2011 Journal

By cindiscoles

200 Already! Chuf Chuf

I can't believe today marks my 200th blip. Seems like only yesterday when I decided to take the challenge when a friend of mine told me about it. But then again so much has happened since I started as well.

I've met amazing people here, most of you are from over seas, you know who you are :). I've learned so much from you and have enjoyed this so much. I feel so close even though I'm a whole sea away.

Thank you to those who have commented daily and to those who have just passed by occasionally. I love all the comments and appreciate them so much.

I had to include my grandson's congratulation reaction to this important milestone, I was taking my 200th photo while he was eating his dinner. I think his face says it all :).

Have a great week all!

Chandler's Congrats to me!

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