
By Rab


This is a shot of downtown Juneau. So today I?m In Port Manning, which means I?m stuck on board for the day. Fortunately with the weather the way it is there wasn?t much to do anyway. It really hasn?t stopped raining up here in Alaska for a few weeks now.
Well not much doing today. Hopefully I will get to chat with Jen a little later. She?s having a bit of hard time at the moment, as New York is giving her a bit of a beating right now. I wish I knew what to say to sometimes to cheer her up. I flutter between tough love and sympathetic ear, and I never seem to be able to get it right at the moment. Being so far away from each other right now certainly doesn?t help that either. 2 more weeks and we see each again so bare with me babe.
On a brighter note, today is my nephew?s birthday, so Happy Birthday Lewis. 14 years old, and its scary to think he?s getting so old. Makes you wonder where all the years go, because I sure remember the day he was born as though it were yesterday. Good thing is I get to see him again in a couple of weeks when I head back to what I hope will be a nice, bright sunny Edinburgh. A man can hope can?t he??

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