michigan man

By outdoorguy

Baby Falls

I think one of the greatest things about the human mind...is its ability to see an image, and transport the mind to someplace else.

This small falls is in Davisburg, Michigan. It really is a burg. One blinking light, and maybe 9-10 storefronts. It has a great old general store...complete with lopsided and creaky floors. It is right down the road from a place we used to go golfing. The golf course was something, too. An old farm house served as the pro shop. 3-4 tables were set up in the dining room-kitchen. An old grandma stood at the stove over her cast iron skillet. The menu was fried eggs, bacon or sausage, and fried potatoes. DON'T ASK FOR SCRAMBLED! DON'T ASK FOR POACHED! DON'T ASK FOR HARD-BOILED! "I'll take two eggs...over medium....PLEASE."

Back to the transporting. If I take this picture, and multiply the water 10 times, and multiply the waterwheel 10 times...It takes me to Idaho Springs, Colorado(west of Denver)...to the Charlie Taylor Waterwheel. Old Charlie attributed his long life to never shaving, never taking a bath, and never kissing women. Maybe, just maybe...he was on to something. Google it, and have a look. A pretty spot on Clear Creek.

A little 4 foot waterfall took me on a smile-inducing trip, and it took me there in less than a minute. Amazing. 1200 miles in less than a minute. HERE'S TO YOU OR ME NEVER LOSING OUR MINDS!!!!

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