Monday: The Anti-Kindle Movement

It is my birthday this week and my mother has been seriously stressing  about what to get me.  She reckons I have everything I need.  I have to admit, I haven't been much help.

Imagine my horror, though, when she suggested getting me a kindle!  She clearly does not know me at all!  K. and I were recently sorting out some books and I came across this, a farewell present from colleagues quite some years ago.  

Can you do this with a kindle?  I think not!  Or can you buy a kindle in a second-hand shop and have an inkling of who held it before you?  I am currently reading a book I bought second-hand and I know that it was previously owned by a Sylvia Ginsburg of Hillbrow, Johannesburg, because she was kind enough to write that in the book.  She wouldn't have been able to scratch that on a kindle!

In case you want to know how we solved my Mum's dilemma, I have asked her to make the opening donation to Booky's New Camera Fund (I have my eye on the Canon EOS600D.......)

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