The Misty Water Shot...

As part of the work photo club we get a round of magazines on a distribution list. Open any one of these and within 10 pages you generally come across the 'misty water shot'. It's a long exposure which includes water so that the water is faded out of focus by it's movement.

This has become a wee running joke around my immediate desk working area of which Wingpig also inhabits. The work photo club photo of the month theme this month is an open theme. Enter whatever photo you like. Wingpig came up with the idea of entering a misty water shot.

This is the result of stacking all three ND filters I had in my possession (also procured on loan from the work photo club) and closing the aperture down as far as physically possible. Didn't come out as well as I imagined and I did have to get rid of an awful magenta hue which is still visible but the effect is there and as a by product, I got a bit of remote flash blipbanking done whilst cavorting around Instography's boat beach.

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