The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

Meadow Brown

The wildlife garden we built in the old pond is finally starting to attract some butterflies. As I hoped, backing onto a woods, there is a fair variety of butterfly visiting the garden, the problem is, they are so quick I can rarely identify them.

There have been plenty of these Meadow Browns visiting today. I've also seen a number of Speckled Woods up on the hazel tree. There is also a small brown butterfly, no bigger than a 50 pence piece that darts through, and as of yet, I have not seen one land for me to make an ID.

Even this one remained shy, and kept his back to me for most of the pictures I took, although this did give me the excuse to show off the eye pattern on the tip of each wing. He did eventually turn around, but then closed his wings, I managed this shot before it flew off.

The last blip before I go on holidays for a few days to North Yorkshire. No idea if I will be back blipping, or if I will get a WI-FI signal, so I am as much in the dark as you.

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