Mrok's photo of the day

By Mrok


Yesterday international circus, today local amusement park, logical eh.

Oulu has a small local amusement park called Vauhtipuisto (speedpark that is) and we have not visited there before as U has been too small to get to all those must gadgets. Well today we went there with one other family and bought the all-in bracelet, so that the kids can go to everywhere they want - slides, electric motorbikes, petrol mini cars you name it. It seemed like the kids had fun as I was just watching the joy with Mrs.Mrok and our daughter S who sat happy at her carriage.

Evening I was going to trim my beard. Have had it for 6-7 years only trimming it and once a year or two making it really short to give some air to the skin underneath. Well today something snapped and decided to do little more and left only mustache. U was thrilled to see this but Mrs.Mrok and S perhaps not as much ;) Mrs.Mrok says that I look like had on those separate nose-glasses combo you can get from the funnyshop..

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