Colorful Life Journey

By suriLife


Once again, I couldn't sleep last night until 2 am. So I decided to make coconut agar-agar at slightly over midnight..

This is a dessert that is great to eat on this very hot summer days. What is agar-agar? It's not a jello thats for sure. It's a vegetarian gelatinous substance derived from algae or plainly seaweed. If you like to know exactly what it is, just google it..

After I made it, I pour it into two molds and let it set for 2 hours before I refrigerate. Here is the recipe if you are interested. It needs to cool down before I put it into the fridge because I didn't want my freeon to be depleted.. :) Never put hot food inside the fridge it would damage your fridge coolness.. A lesson learn many donkey years ago... :)


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