Tending the microherds

By LucieMac

Oof. A dramatic day. Woke up to find the ancient rabbit was paralysed in a puddle of poo so the morning was taken up with tearful good-byes and an unpleasant visit to the vet where the poor beastie's circulation was so weak that the lethal injection didn't work and she eventually had to have three, the third one directly into her heart.

R retired to a deckchair in the shade with an audiobook, still coughing himself sick. Just as we were getting ready to go into Edinburgh to see A in her big show at the Playhouse, he complained of an itchy bite on his stomach. Five minutes later in the car it had become huge blotchy lumps all over his body so we stopped off for antihistamines on the way in and, luckily, they seemed to have kicked in by the time we'd met all the grandparents and had found our seats.

The show, "The Ghee Experience" as it had come to be known, was a pretty amazing spectacle with 150 teenagers all giving it welly, and a hyped up audience. Wished I'd taken my camera for the scene by the Stage Door as the stars were re-united with their family and friends.

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