More Life of Sands

By sands

Beautiful Bass

My migraine was gone this morning and I felt even better after a Pilates session. Then my kitchen table was taken away by East Lothian Voluntary Organisations Network to be recycled so I have what now seems like a HUGE kitchen. I will now have to go buy a new, smaller table from Ikea :-)

I was very busy packing this evening. I am away for the next 12 days. I'm at a wedding reception tomorrow then spending a few days with my Dad before heading across to Chepstow for a 4 day diving course and then 3 days diving on the south coast!! Unfortunately, I won't be able to take any piccies underwater as I'll be diving deeper than my camera casing can cope with!

I had many options for blipping today but the Bass was looking so beautiful today she stole my blip heart :-)

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