Big Hill

By bighill

Fan in the window!

It's been a kinda miserable day here - drizzle and a bit on the cool side! However, it was a productive and satisfying day! Mimi, Peter and I took a walk around the property to show them what goes on here...then down to the pond and around it in fact! They took off on the next leg of their journey, down thro Nova Scotia....thanks for the visit Mimi and Peter!!!

I spent the day making glazes.....the first part isn't so bad, weighing out the chemicals's the second part that really sucks!!! I have to seive them thro a very fine meshed seive and it is really messy! one glaze is particularly difficult to deal with cos it settles out (meaning it forms a hard lump on the bottom!) very irritating and time consuming!

Had a lovely family come to visit...and buy some pieces.....they were from Hamilton Ont, which is one of my old 'homes' so the woman and i had a great chat...then the door opened and in walked the rest of the family.... 5 kids - the youngest being only 6 months. Oh my god, how do people do that...i almost lost it with 2!!! and the best part.... i got to hold the wee chap...he was so happy and easy and it felt just lovely to have this little being in my was rather nice also, to hand him back to his Dad! I enjoy interacting (most day!!!) with the folks that show up here at the pottery....i guess because it's not a constant influx like it was in my old studio in Muskoka....summer time there was difficult some days!!!

and as usual, now it's time for a beer and a snack - then dinner to prepare. Our lovely Quebec wwoofers leave us once again i have mixed feelings....Terry and i will have the place completely to ourselves till late tuesday, which will be a treat...but i will miss Maud and Pier-David...they have been so delightful to have around!

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