Clean Slate

By cleanslate


How bored are you of the Moomins? Take that number, double it, square it, times it by a million and eat it. That's it. I'll just give you a moment to digest.... and now... THAT's how I'm feeling about the Moomins, right now.

Pretty good day really, Snufkin didn't get up too early so Moomin Mamma was allowed to stay in bed until 6.50am. Of course he was awake earlier than that and we were subjected the the Moomin theme tune (I use the term liberally) over the monitor from around 6.30am.

On the up side, no.2 son can now sort of say, 'Moomin Mamma', which is very cute, partly because he points at himself when he says it! He is 'identity crisis boy' at the moment, because no.1 son is constantly creating realities where we all have to 'be' someone. Needless to say, no.2 son does not always get the best roles. The plight of the second born :-(
So, Mr CleanSlate is still working too hard, second weekend in a row he's in work from early til late. We went on the tram into Manchester to have lunch with him today but .... TERRIBLE news.... the Itchy Titchy Coffee Company (referenced in many a previous blip) is no more. Snufkin calls it, 'the cheese and marmite bagel place', which is (or was) a fairly accurate description. The CleanSlate household has a 'change' problem, generally speaking, so we were quite pleased with ourselves when we found an alternative venue with relative ease! We even found a brie and apricot chutney sandwich for no.1 son (sold as cheese and apricot!!) which he was so excited about that he ate most of it, even though he said it was spiky (did I mention it was spicy apricot chutney!)

Anyway, I let him take Sniff (the kangaroo?? aka 'Kilometre'*) into town. We got as far as the tram station where he dropped him in a dubious puddle. There followed much berating and some confiscation (and sealing in a handily concealed, emergency, sandwich bag**) Once we were home we had a 'Dogger' moment of Mummy showing him how to wash 'Sniff' in warm soapy water and hang him out on the washing line.

Of course he didn't dry on the washing line and has subsequently been sneakily put in the tumble drier in a pillow case. It seems he now smells of wet dog. Perhaps it will stop Snufkin wanting a real pet???

*Say, 'Hello Grandpa!'

**everyone carries them. Surely?? Seriously.. Oh leave me alone

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