an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs

21 21

21. Is the address 21 or 2121? Seemingly it can't be 21 21, can it? Puzzling.

Here in Boston there is an address phenomenon I haven't seen in the other big cities I've lived in (SF, Chicago, Austin, Dallas). Say we lived at 54 Pleasant St. in Cambridge. There might be an apartment 1 and an apartment 2. There might also be a 1R and 2R, in the back of the building. I can only assume the "r" is for rear, but it's weird, no?

This town can be odd, but there will be many little things for me to miss. I'm a big fan of having a lot of artwork in one's home and I like to have at least one piece for every major place I've lived. I've got a great one from Chicago - this map in the orange version, framed in a great orange frame from one of my favorite miscellany shops in the world, Foursided. I lived around the corner from it, on the neighborhood line between Uptown and Andersonville. One of my favorite places I've lived.

For SF, I have this gem - my favorite park in town. I have several pieces for Texas/Austin (too many to list, honestly) and now I need to find something iconically Boston before I leave. I'm thinking it might be Red Sox/Fenway related. Or maybe the Pru. We shall see.

Only two short weeks. So much to do!

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