Annabel's garden

Oh what a mad night!! The quiz was totally bonkers, even more so than usual. It was very late starting as the pub was jam packed so someone was dispatched for more chairs which duly arrived in a cattle trailer. Father G then positioned himself half inside and half way outside and set off at a cracking a pace. The acoustics were terrible and his accent very thick . His specialties included: obscure patron saints ( did you know St perpetua is patron saint of cattle, no neither did we!!); obscure GAA topics (Gaelic Athletic Association, no, no idea when it was reformed); obscure Irish politicians; obscure local questions (which priest was related to a former taoisech/Prime Minister) and obscure Emmerdale and Fair City facts. We did appallingly but we were not alone!! Half way through proceeding sandwiches were brought out and the raffle commenced - lengthily. Further confusion when everyone seemed to have the same tickets. It started to get a bit surreal and hilarity set in as Father G recommenced when the raffle was still taking place, and he wasn't taking any prisoners. I walked home at around midnight.The stars were out but it was incredibly dark with bats flying low overhead.

Today we went to Annabel's to try and have a dummy run at putting up her gazebo which we might need for our stall tomorrow, at the regatta. I am not very good at this kind of thing and the wind was blowing and some of the posts were missing. Fortunately her wwoofer, a very nice young man from the Shetlands, kept calm and we more or less managed to assemble it. It's big and if it's windy it will be useless.

Interesting discussion re montbretia and crocosmia on yesterday's blip. I think there is a difference - montbretia is smaller, orange and grows wild; crocosmia is bigger, redder and cultivated. Anyway, more flowers today - this is part of Annabel's garden which is looking truly amazing - a myriad of colour and shapes.

It's son number 1's birthday today - happy birthday Will! He's in Bristol with his brother and friends. He assures me it won't be messy.Hmmm.

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