Going, Going, Gone!

All good things come to an end, and the Edinburgh party's over for the Golden Boy, who was deposited for the fee of £1:00 at the Airport today on his way back to Budapest.

Before he left he allowed me to taste one of the ginger stem oatcakes given to him by Gillipaw when she visited the Dower House a few months ago: very delicious it was too. I was rather hoping that he wouldn't have had any room for the rest of the packet in his hand luggage, but alas he did.

His stay has kick started my grey matter again on the technological front, and I hope I can impress him with my knowledge and use of the new smart phone when His Lordship and I visit in September.

So, with one expat down and another one here for a further week, life will be anything but dull.
There's nothing like young adults to keep you on your toes, but on the other hand they can certainly make you feel your age when quickness and adroitness are an issue.

Now it's time to sit on the patio in the sun with a glass of wine and relax. Heaven!

But I will miss him.

Edit- the last sighting of this man, I promise

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