A moment in time...

By shellyd

Been thinking about the subject of housework...

Not the best photo ever!!
and this is my conclusion. :D

in other news...

After bragging about our wonderful weather yesterday, I opened the front door this morning and all I wanted to do was climb back under the duvet. I swear I saw the odd penguin or two - who let the penguins out. Yikes, it was cold. Guessing we're going to freeze at the soccer match tomorrow.

Today has found me draped over the heater, only doing what I really needed to do. Like take kidlets kidlet to school and fetching kidlets one kidlet from school, then a quick mad dash to the shops, and then back home to drape myself over the heater again.

The oldest is at his first disco party - gosh - I remember those. LOL The youngest is driving me loco, nothing new in that department. Guess I better go and watch Star Trek 'something' for the zillionth time. Eish!!

Have a great weekend everyone.

p.s. really sorry about the bad pic

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