Westside Story

Last full day in Lewis today, a quiet morning then of to the West side agricultural show.

What a great wee show, due to the animals being judged I took Juno along the beach. Another empty beach, Juno chased her stick and I chased my dreams. Big surf off shore with a band of sand above the big Lewis Cobbles.

I walked along to the far side to the river outlet to allowJuno to get a drink. I watched the salmon jump in the sea and in the sea pool. Quietly waited until the fishing had finished before walking up for a chat.

Nice chat with the Ghillie about the area as a corncrake called from field by the river. He was getting a cup of tea out of the bus, it is now a howf for the fishing guests. There are quite a few old buses in the crofts, used for various purposes.

Back to the show with a calm dog and I looked round the livestock with the family. Lots going on with home produce competitions, heavy events and music.

Eco mum found out there was a 5k run round the machair, I borrowed a top from another runner and put on my flower trunks and running shoes. A great wee run, I ran along with a 12 year old and kept him going and I finished second. I have never got a medal runner so the family were laughing as I got my photo taken for the Stornoway Gazette.

What a brilliant day, just totally magic.

Eco son took some .crofter porn

We are on the 7 am ferry tomorrow so I have to get the kids up and in the car by 5.30, wish me luck.

Next week no internet

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