
Thank you for the kind wishes about my dad. The good news is that he's off the critical list and is actually making an amazing recovery (touch wood!). First the doctors and surgeons thought he was incredibly lucky not to have died on the spot when his aorta ruptured. Sunday night he had 8 hours of open heart surgery. Yesterday he was sitting up drinking tea and eating biscuits! I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that he carries on getting better at this rate.

So, I feel I can now return to ranting about society. I'm sick of seeing the extreme views of people about others who wear hoodies. The Express newspaper has even got a ridiculous campaign going to ban them! I work with young people, lots of whom live in a very tough, deprived area. Many of them are hard, streetwise people. Loads of them wear the standard uniform of tracksuits and hoodies. As with any group in society the huge majority of them are really decent people.

So, what is this lad about to do??

Answer: Ride along the road on his bike.

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