this luminous life.

By Laura

Let's Go Bowling.

Camera Obscura.

Finally went bowling tonight with the other senior (and two junior) cinema majors, as well as all the professors in the department! It was a night I had been looking forward to since I was a freshman -- when senior bowling was a monthly tradition. This was the first time they did it this year, though. Had hoped it would be cosmic bowling for some cool lights within a blip but it wasn't. Oh well. Still managed to capture a fun photo of Aniko! After it was taken, I declared "This is my blip!" Many photos were taken during the evening, but most were blurry. She used my camera a lot, as well. Was a fun night :)

Also liked this picture of a random bowler.
It looks like no one else is there,
but I assure you the place was completely crowded.

[A year ago today... waiting for a meeting to start.]

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