Tan's World

By bluhue

Tired mum

I decided to put up this as a blip mainly to show how we are so used to smsing and emailing that we never stop to really think about what we are doing.

Also I thought you could have a laugh at my expense.

We have a white board, on which we put down what anyone might be doing, this is usually for the kids. My hubby leaves very early in the morning, so when I stumbled into the kitchen to put on the kettle I read his message , 'Ok' was my immediate response, which I wrote and yes it was while I was writing I did wake up and realise, oh yes, this isn't an sms. He wasn't going to see this.

So after a nice cuppa tea and a good laugh at myself I did ponder on how in- tune we are to only using some sort of electronic means of communication.

Perhaps tomorrow morning should have my tea first before I try to operate any heavy machinary.

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